Get it All

"Our goal is to achieve more every day". We introduce life skills through game-playing events, self-structure exercises, physical fitness routines, and round table discussions. In which we will try to instill respect, honesty and integrity in our youth ages 8 to 11, Skills will include young Gentlemen & young lady etiquette classes, Beginner savings account management, micro-business start-up coaching.

"Getting It All Means Everything,"
What is your All?
Everyone has that one thing that means everything to them. Something they're passionate about. Jordan, Serena, Tiger, Original G.A.M.E focuses on developing the minds of our youth.  Through mentoring, tutoring, credit-building building skills, and financial literacy workshops. We also place great importance on physical fitness. As well as community beautification, and community services. 
Whatever your All is we will try to help you Get it because it means Everything. For ages 12 to 15 years of age.

ORGANIZED G.A.M.E. "Going after my everything.," The last stage of our mentoring program is organized G.A.M.E. This is the stage of life where young men and women ready themselves to enter the " real world." Here we help our young adults ready themselves for college or trade school
ORGANIZED GAME,  focuses on young adults ages 16-18. Workshops will be held aimed at helping and educating our young men and women. Placing immense emphasis on the successful transition into the next phase of their lives. We will offer College preparedness courses, General Tutoring sessions, ACT, and SAT, study sessions As well as financial aid counseling.